I owe my career to the skills Katy has shared with me... The reality is I carry those skills with me in every job that I have had and I believe I am an effective coach/leader because I was able to attain those skills- J. Smith 

Hire a Transformational Instructor

Browse our 2022 Catalog:

  • Most courses can be delivered in person and virtually
  • Effective and interactive  courses, designed to change behavior permanently
  • ​Attendees analyze real problems in class and apply effective resolution immediately afterwards
Katy Caselli has been solving complex organizational problems through excellent people systems for nearly 25 years. Directly experienced in the pharmaceutical, medical device, automotive, and cosmetics industries, Katy has brought about positive human performance change using multiple tools and methods. Katy is the author of Building Giants, A Proven System to Transform Your Workforce with Effective Training and is an Organizational Psychologist.

Essential Leadership Skills 

Purpose: For newly assigned supervisors and managers to introduce basic concepts in team leadership. Improve retention and focus with better communication, listening, feedback, change, and more.

For Front Line Supervisors and Managers

Eight hours

8-14 attendees

  • Attendees discover their own personality style
  • Attendees learn and practice effective communication strategies
  • ​Attendees discover and practice how to give effective feedback to improve performance
  • ​Attendees identify conflicts that create obstacles and plan to resolve them among team members and peers

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 Katy was an energetic facilitator who was able to translate the complex into understandable and practical terms. She offered real-life scenarios with opportunities to practice as well as role play, and Katy’s warmth, humor, and insight allowed the participants to feel comfortable and relaxed. It was obvious that Katy was very passionate about connecting with the class, and her methods ensured the content was understood.  -Susan Kaple 

Building Giants Workshop

Purpose: Researchers have shared the disquieting news that 60-90% of all training efforts are wasted. This course was created to help you get the most out of your learning and development efforts. When you grow a learning culture, organizations get stronger, performance goes higher, and employee engagement rises. Keep your high performers and increase the skills of your other team members by planning skills growth.
For Front Line Supervisors,  Managers and Human Resources 

Six hours

8-14 Attendees 

  • Take a business approach to solve top organizational issues with targeted training that works
  • ​Develop employees into experts to solve business problems
  • ​Improve training impact by following a proven model for success
  • Plan new hire orientation and on-the-job training to save training time and reduce quality issues.
  • Develop a “Learning Culture” in your organization to accelerate success

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 The content was very good and the training delivery was outstanding. ROI for training is a huge win since often companies don't think training contributes to the bottom line- Greg Davidson 

Train the Trainer for On-The Job Trainers

Purpose: A workshop to develop expert training skills for On - The - Job trainers. Generally students are chosen from the experts of the workforce. They learn how to breakdown a task and plan to teach others successfully how to perform it. For those who will teach technical subject matter to one or more employees, students will develop a training plan to execute when they return to the job. Ask how to turn this course into an internal certification to further motivate learners and build your Structured On-the-Job Training Program!
For Subject Matter and Technical Experts who train others

Eight hours

6-12 Attendees 

  • Make preparations to perform effective technical training
  • ​Compose SMART Objectives based on student needs
  • ​Plan to demonstrate technical tasks effectively
  • ​Recognize and avoid typical barriers to learning
  • ​Assess and report learning objective accomplishment

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 The material Katy covers in her classes are highly effective from seeing the people that have attended her train the trainers class. Generally it would take 2-4 weeks to train new hires at entry level position using what we have learned almost every new hire we have had lately is basically done with training and proficient at the end of the first week.- James Wood 

Train the Trainer for Classroom Trainers

Purpose: A workshop to develop expert training skills for Classroom trainers. This is a great class to get many instructors ready to roll out training initiatives, such as New Hire Orientation, or software training courses, or just to improve training organization-wide. Teachers learn adult learning principles and a simple framework for planning an effective and interactive training course.  For those who will teach to groups of employees, students will develop a training plan to execute after class.
For experts who perform workforce training

1.5 days

6-14 attendees

  • Identify Your Audience: Decide the need.
  • ​Compose SMART Objectives based on student needs
  • ​Plan to create an environment conducive to learning
  • ​Identify and Incorporate Adult Learning Principles
  • ​Identify critical do’s and don’ts in training sessions
  • ​Determine appropriate evaluation tools and prepare an effectiveness report

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 I would highly recommend the Building Giants Train the Trainer program. Katy does an excellent job of taking the complex and explaining it in simple terms. Her program is a must for anyone in the field of organizational training and development. Terry C.
 She was very informative and helpful. Her train the trainer course has worked wonders- Jimmy Mardlin.

Anti-Harassment for Leaders and Managers

Purpose: To prevent harassment and related legal complications due to hostile work environments, discrimination and Quid Pro Quo. Includes planning to improve an anti-harassment culture. Full of case studies to interpret and analyze in groups, meets California law.

For Front Line Supervisors and Managers

Three hours

6-18 attendees

  • Recognize different forms of harassment and state the laws that forbid it
  • Examine the policy for the leader’s organization and explore their role in enforcing it
  • ​Analyze case studies and determine the best course of action
  • ​Investigate the risks of harassment to organizations and individuals
  • Plan to lead a culture of anti-harassment in your team, department and organization

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Essential Interviewing Skills

Purpose: Essential Interviewing Skills (Behavioral Event Interviewing) helps hiring managers gain real insight into a candidate's success. Learners spot the ways in which candidates embellish their past and see past first impressions to determine fit, specific experience and typical behavior.  In addition, interviewers are taught how to avoid legal risks in interview questions and other selection practices. 
For Front Line Supervisors,  Managers and Human Resources 

Four hours

8-14 Attendees 

  • Demonstrate the use of behavioral interviewing techniques
  • ​Determine if the candidate has the skills and characteristics to succeed in the role
  • ​Identify and avoid legally risky interview questions, selection tactics and tests, and choose legal and effective questions to predict future performance.
  • Participate in a mock interview to gain practice in evaluating strengths and spotting problem answers.

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The mock interview was very helpful, as was the review of all applicable employment laws for my team, great course, I have much more confidence about picking the right candidates!- Beth Handlin 

Coaching for Change 

Purpose: Do change initiatives drag slowly past deadlines, and cause hostility and frustration in your work force? A key role of leaders is to help their team to change their ways of working and accept new procedures, mergers, databases and technology.

For Front Line Supervisors and Managers

Four hours

8-18 attendees

  • Perform a change ready assessment to gain insight on the best way to target efforts for success
  • Discover strategies to reduce or prevent resistance
  • ​Identify resistant behavior in direct reports
  • ​Practice responding to resistant behavior with effective coaching

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Effective Communication Skills

Purpose:  Employee engagement rises with effective communication, and the main source of information to employees is from direct leaders. This class teaches leaders to know their own communication style, how it impacts others.  and how to be more effective in different workplace situations.
For Front Line Supervisors,  Managers and Human Resources 

Eight hours

8-14 Attendees 

  • Communicate more effectively in dialogs with frustrated employees
  • ​Analyze written communication for individual style and make adjustments to be more effective
  • Communicate effectively in a group of six or more on a complex issue/problem
  • Change the "normal" communication style to be more effective in different contexts

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Effective Delegation Skills

Purpose: Leaders who delegate effectively build expertise in their team while balancing their own workload. Those who develop employees into subject matter experts are seen as more successful. They do it through a structured, supportive and systematic framework designed to teach skills while getting the work done.  

For Front Line Supervisors and Managers

Four hours

8-16 attendees

  • Discuss case studies in delegation and critique them, making them more likely to be effective
  • Identify the potential tasks to delegate and at what level of supervision
  • ​Plan the steps to perform effective delegation with up to 5 employees
  • ​Present plans to others and offer feedback and ideas to strengthen attendee plans

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Decision Making Skills

Purpose: Poor decisions lead to many types of losses, including project failures, the loss of key employees, as well as a loss of customers and market share. This course introduces formal tools for decision makers so that problems stop reoccurring, and critical decisions are made using structured tools to avoid problems such as bias, decision fatigue and a lack of solid data. 
For Front Line Supervisors,  Managers and project leads

Eight hours

6-14 Attendees 

  • Discuss emotional tagging, decision fatigue and pattern recognition in decision-making
  • ​Determine and draft a problem statement, root cause, corrective and preventive action for the sinking of the Titanic
  • ​Discuss decision making styles related to individual personality style, and how this may perpetuate problems
  • ​Facilitate a root cause analysis using the five whys exercise and a fishbone analysis
  • ​Use mind-mapping, decision grids, and Pareto charts

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Technical Writing Skills 

Purpose: For writers of standard procedures, work instructions, deviation reports, corrective and preventive actions and protocols.  This class gives direction and practice in concise, factual writing for important technical documents, encouraging simplified, active and direct written materials that can be easily followed and understood.

For Front Line Supervisors and Managers

Eight hours

8-14 attendees

  • Discuss the critical nature of effective writing in regulated work environments so that documents can be clearly understood for years to come
  • ​Analyze written materials for unclear, wordy and incorrect sentence structure and correct them
  • ​Improve clarity, level of detail and sequential arrangement in technical documents for effective flow
  • ​Include an effective level of detail, in a way that answers the potential questions of the reader

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Team Building Sessions 

Purpose: For teams to get to know each other's workstyles and unique strengths. Bring teams together for a fun and enlightening team building session! Includes self-discovery using the personality assessment tools, new knowledge is applied and debriefed after a fun team activity. Clear the air and bring teams into focus with this session in combination with an annual meeting or other event!

For teams and departments in all areas of the organization

Four or eight hours

8-50 attendees

  • Discover personality style and compare and contrast differences in the class
  • Discuss style advantages and weaknesses and practice effective communication strategies
  • Plan to reduce conflicts, keeping criticism non-personal
  • ​​Attendees identify conflicts that create obstacles and plan to resolve them among team members and peers

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Turning Around a Performance Problem

Purpose: All organizations have high and low performers. Sustained low performance translates to a loss of productivity: in fact, some employees are likely costing the company money, rather than contributing to a healthy bottom line. This class explains the likely causes of poor performance and what leaders can do 
For Front Line Supervisors,  Managers and Human Resources 

Four hours

8-14 Attendees 

  • Define and measure the cost of performance problems
  • ​Discuss the common root causes, including disengagement, confusion, trauma/mental health, and training
  • Determine effective ways to approach a performance counseling conversation
  • Create department or organization-wide solutions to measurably raise performance

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Additional topics:

  • Topics in biotechnology
  • ​Needs Assessments
  • Set up Orientation, Structured On the Job Training and simulation training centers
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